Synaptics touchpad driver windows 10 hp

Synaptics touchpad driver windows 10 hp

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Synaptics touchpad driver windows 10 hp -


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Synaptics Touchpad Driver - Download - Available on


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See your browser's documentation for specific instructions. HP Customer Support. Select your model. How does HP install software and gather data? Notice: : The information in this document, including products and software versions, is current as of the release date.

The document is subject to change without notice. The previous touchpad settings are reset or cleared when the Synaptics Touchpad legacy driver is updated. This occurs after the Synaptics driver is downloaded and installed through Windows Updates. The information in this document applies to the following:. Microsoft Windows 10 19H1 Version To resolve this issue, perform the following procedures:. Procedure 1 : Confirm the Synaptics driver is Right-click on Synaptics Touchpad and select Properties.

Enter your HP computer product name and model number. Download and install the latest Synaptics Touchpad driver a restart may be required. Open the Synaptics TouchPad app once the driver installation is complete. Customize your preferred touchpad settings on the Properties for Synaptics Touchpad page. Device Settings. Properties for Synaptics Touchpad.

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